Matric Dance Socks and Accessories

Matric Dance Socks and Accessories

I remember being 18 and in my final year of high school. The main event for the year is the Matric Dance for your school. You spend months preparing. Finding the perfect partner to attend with you. Trying to find the most stylish suit (that your parents will allow you to rent/buy) and then trying to figure out how you're going to stand out in the crowd of young gents all rocking their suits. My suit was accompanied by a white tie and a grey shirt with a white collar. Yes, that's right, a white tie + collar combination. It's a good thing that men's socks and accessories have progressed to where we are today. There are a host of options available to today's men trying to impress their partners with stylish swagger and dapper style.

Matric Dance Socks

[gallery link="file" ids="100239,92381,85364"] You've got three main options as we see it. First - you can go for the straight forward formal sock for your suit. These are simple, elegant and have a flash of colour above the heal at the back of the sock. Easy to match with white or red accessories. No fuss, just sock. Second - we've got the plain colour socks which are bright and will definitely add to your outfits volume. These socks have no patterns and offer you the versatility to match your socks with your tie, lapel pin or pocket square. You could even go all out and carefully plan your partners outfit to match your accessories. Lastly - the trademark Nic Harry socks with patterns, styles, colour and design to make your head spin. You have many, many choices in this range of sock so be as decisive as you can and plan your core colours to work with your suit and other accessories.

Lapel Pins

Buttefly-Origami-Lapel-Pin2 These little dynamite style-makers are the perfect Matric Dance accessory for your suit. They are simple, stylish and show a more mature side of your dress sense. There are many different lapel pins to choose from, ranging from the classic felt rose and all the way through to the hand-folded origami masterpieces that will definitely make your outfit one of a kind.

Pocket Squares

They may be small and they may mostly be tucked away in your top jacket pocket but a well placed pocket square can set off an incredible Matric Dance outfit. Ignore this accessory at your peril.


You could easily choose to wear a simple tie in black, navy or even white (maybe not). Or you could choose to make a statement with a fun, colourful and stylish tie that you can hinge your entire outfit on and match other accessories with. Do not go gentle into that good night, wear a loud tie.
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