While there are approximately 177,147 different ways to knot a tie, the three most common knots are:
The Four-in-Hand
As the easiest method, it makes sense that it would be the most common too. This slender and versatile knot is asymmetrical, and therefore it doesn’t convey an overly formal appearance. This knot is best for dressy occasions such as social activities. It pairs well with button down collared shirts, and is best achieved with skinny or medium width ties.
The Half Windsor
Fancier than the Four-in-Hand, this knot takes 9 steps and is a lot more complicated. It is a likely choice for formal events such as job interviews and business meetings. This knot is symmetrical, and looks like an inverted triangle.
The Windsor
The Windsor is as fancy as it gets and is best suited for events such as weddings and corporate business meetings. Requiring 9 steps, it’s much thicker than the Half Windsor, and is ideal for very formal events. The Windsor knot goes best longer and wider ties. The full-Windsor is larger than the half-Windsor usually requiring a tie that is a longer and thicker in length.