Style Q&A with Katlego Maboe
Katlego Maboe is not only young, successful and talented but the man can dress. Nic Harry took some time to get know Katlego and find out about his style, his discovery and some of his favourite things.
Nic Harry: Being on TV must make it tough to do just about anything off screen. Do you find that dressing in the morning is infinitely more difficult because you know you'll be recognised?
Katlego Maboe: Having won the award as South Africa's most stylish male celebrity at the 2014 YOU Spectacular Awards certainly upped the pressure to look good but I haven't found that it has become any more difficult as a result of my being on national TV. I've always been someone who takes pride in how I look as it translates to how I feel and how I take on my daily tasks. Dressing well, according to my own sense of style, is something that is part of my daily routine whether on- or off-screen.
NH: You've been on The Expresso Show for a while now. Do you have any crazy wardrobe mishap stories for our readers?
KM: Well this wasn't a mishap as such, it was a planned part of the show but it involved me having to dress up in potato suit for one of our segments. It was a tongue-in-cheek and fun segment so I didn't mind it and it got a great reaction from our viewers. Although I like to dress smartly I do try not to take myself too seriously because we all need to loosen up a little bit sometimes.
NH: Did you have a Charlize type discovery story or did you work way up and grind it out every day before you were "discovered"?
KM: I definitely would not equate my story to that of Charlize but I must admit good fortune has been on my side and opportunities have always come around at a time when I was ready for them. One could call it serendipity or that my hard work rendered me ready for these opportunities when they came about, I don't know, especially given that I had no ambitions of making it in television while growing up - it feels like it all just happened to me. A friend let me know about an audition for a new TV show for which he thought I would be suitable. Being someone who almost never refuses any challenge, I took a taxi ride to what would be the start of a dream career that I still enjoy the privilege of having.
NH: People think that being on TV is a glamorous existence but my sense is that it's hard work and very difficult to make last. What do you think? How are you trying to operate differently to other burned out celebs?
KM: Being on television and working in the world of entertainment is an honour and a privilege that comes with many enjoyable moments that include glamorous events and perhaps opportunities to travel the world, should one be so lucky, but that is only a small part of it. There is a great deal of hard work and dedication t
hat is required behind the scenes to make the finished product look as glamorous as it does. Getting a lucky break and landing in the spotlight is one thing - keeping your spot is a completely different challenge. In order to extend the time I'm afforded in the limelight I always try to remain consciously aware of the fact the this job is a privilege and not a right. I'm constantly seeking out new opportunities to grow my personal brand while trying to plough back into society by doing what I can to make a difference in the communities I interact with. There really isn't a secret formula. Even those that have seemingly done everything right have not necessarily remained in the limelight and that's why I respect what I do so much as it could be taken away any day. Every day I wake up to give my best shot in all that I do and I am thankful for another day to do what I love. I hope that, God willing, this will be something I am able to do for many more years to come.
NH: What is your favourite item of clothing?
KM: I love my suits - EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM!
NH: What is the oldest item of clothing you own?
KM: A tracksuit top that my grandfather gave to me while I was in high school. It's still as stylish as ever according to me!
NH: Who is your favourite fashion designer?
KM: I don't have a favourite designer per se. I keep my fashion eye open for different designers styles that fit my own personal style.
NH: What was your favourite item of clothing as child?
KM: With each passing season I would have a new favourite set of clothes because my mom would save up money to buy me a Christmas and New Year's outfit, which I would have to wait to wear on that particular day, during the festive season each year. I do remember having a particular likening for paisley shirts as a youngster.
NH: How many suits do you own?
KM: There are about 15 suits in my collection at this moment. Basically, nowhere near enough!
NH: How often do you wear a tie?
KM: I try to do so as often as possible - at least three times a week and then maybe twice on the weekend depending on the events I might be attending. Definitely on Sundays when I go to church. Having attended an all boy's school, a tie was part of my daily uniform and I think that has subconsciously stuck with me. I find that I tie just adds a little bit of magic to any outfit.
NH: Favourite accessory? (wrist band, watch, pocket square, tie, etc etc)
KM: I have a small wrist watch collection that I am building up that will one day be passed down to my son. I have about eight at the moment but still looking to acquire more. A recent tradition I have started is trying to get one from every overseas trip I go on which makes them extra special.
NH: How often do you shop for clothing?
KM: Everyday. I have a tendency to shop impulsively, which is why I don't spend too much time at malls. I could literally be on my way to buy bread and milk and end up coming back home with three pairs of sneakers. My mind has a sneaky way of imagining great outfits when my wallet has no intention of doing such. Clearly the mind is strongest right now. Haha!
NH: Do you shop online for clothes and where?
KM: Not usually. I shop online for watches just because I like to fit on my clothes before purchasing them.
NH: What’s the last thing you bought online?
KM: A Nixon watch.
NH: Most expensive fashion item you’ve ever purchased?
KM: A leather jacket.
NH: Your least favourite thing to wear?
KM: Loose fitting chinos
NH: When was the last time you did the washing yourself and hung the clothes?
KM: Too long ago to remember. Haha! I just find that I don't have the time.
NH: What kind of a shopper are you? Dash and leave or meander and browse?
KM: Meander and browser. I take my sweet time, which can sometimes frustrate whoever it is that might be with me.
NH: Does anyone help you shop or dress?
KM: Sometimes I enlist the expert help of our Expresso stylist, Maria Kroes, because she understand my sense of style.
NH: Where do you look for style or fashion inspiration?
KM: I tend to trust my instincts when I walk into a store and see different items that I like. I do browse through some of my favourite fashion publications like GQ or online resources "The Threaded Man" when I'm lacking inspiration.
NH: Have you ever worn holes in your shoes?
KM: Haha! In varsity when times were tough and I decided not to ask my mom for money, sometimes I'd wear socks for way longer than I should have. But I guess that's how one learns to appreciate the small things in life.