The best way to celebrate the festive season

The best way to celebrate the festive season

South African Christmases are usually a little different to celebrations elsewhere. They do normally involve eating an excessive amount of food and seeing family. Christmas lights aren’t really a big thing here, we don’t have huge Christmas trees popping up in public, or snow to make the whole thing feel real or ugly Christmas sweaters on account of it being hot as hell. But our Christmases do usually involve having a braai and a swim and enjoying the warm weather and well-deserved downtime. Our festive season socks are the perfect choice to show off your cheer. Stylish and eye-catching, they’re the perfect solution for the sweater/warm weather conundrum.  holiday-pack Pull on your Christmas Socks and get yourself into the festive spirit with our selection of the 8 best Christmas-orientated movies: 


If an elf with an excessive love of sweets trying to make contact with his dad in New York doesn't sound like Christmas, then nothing ever will.

Home Alone

A classic film about a kid doing it for himself.

Love Actually

For those interested in something romantic, Love Actually is the way to go. Subplots about finding love featuring attractive people- what's not to love?

Dr. Seuss' How the Grinch Stole Christmas

Jim Carrey as a bad tempered green Grinch decides to ruin Christmas for the people of Whoville who mistreated him as a child.

Bad Santa

For those with a darker sense of humour, Bad Santa is as obscene as it is amusing.

Jack Frost

Ignoring the weirdness of Michael Keaton turning into a (scary-looking) snowman, it's heavy on the moral lesson of cherishing family.

The Muppet Christmas Carol

Michael Caine is Scrooge, and you've got all The Muppets, including Kermit. Me: You've had enough food, stop eating now. Me to me: A fourth helping won't hurt.

Nightmare before Christmas

Tim Burton's Gothic 1993 film is weird, endearing and dark.


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