With Father's Day around the corner (June 21st) it's time to start thinking about what to get the dads in your life for the big day. We firmly believe that style, like manners, maketh the man. If you're looking for a great gift this year, try out our
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It's tough to keep stylish when you're juggling a bouncing baby on one arm and a cup of coffee or cellphone on the other but there are some celebrity dads who manage to look stylish all the time.
Here's a list of 11 incredibly stylish dads who understand what works for them, how they want to look and what outfits bring out their best. The key thing about celebrity style is that just about everything these men wear is fitted to their specific body type and measurements. The lesson is to always wear clothes that fit you.
Ben Affleck
Ben's style is effortless and casual. He's hanging out with his daughter and grabbing a quick cup of coffee. But his pants fit, his jacket is the right length and colour and the outfit comes together nicely.
Colin Farrell

Colin is also wearing a perfectly fitted suit and that's half the battle. There's a lot of hype around flashy shirts and big colours but the grey suit with black shoes and a white top is a classic look. Colin throws in a pocket square for an added kick of flair.
Jamie Foxx

Mr Foxx is not shy of a splash of colour. He is confident enough to wear a purple suit with a turquoise shirt. Bold colour really can help you stand out in the crowd.
Jay Z

Jay Z oozes style and confidence and is always wearing the right fit for his look. In this dark grey window suit he shows that restraint is stylish. He has carefully edited the look and uses the white pocket square to illustrate this.
Joel Madden

Madden knows who he is and knows how to dress that look up. He might be a rocker at heart but his style knows how to age.
Johnny Depp

No one could ever accuse Johnny Depp of being boring and his outfits definitely echo his outlandish personality. With this outfit the process of layering is used perfectly and the crazy shoes finish off the look.
Neil Patrick Harris & David Burtka

If ever there was a couple that oozed style, it was these two gents. They are both wearing perfectly fitted suits with immaculate shoes and fantastic bowties to really finish off their looks.
Pharrell Williams

Fashion's poster child of the moment is without doubt, Pharrell Williams and it's hard to disagree. The man knows what he wants out of his style and makes it happen every time.
Robert Downey Jr.

Downey Jr has chosen to wear high top sneakers with his bold blue jacket and suit. This works because he's got the attitude to fit the suit, because the jacket is loud and colourful and because Downey can really do whatever he wants.
The short summary however, sneakers and suits can work if you let it happen and don't fuss with the look.
Ryan Reynolds

Layering, layering, layering - this Winter, it's all about layers. Reynolds illustrates the look perfectly. A collar shirt, tie, button up jersey (with the two bottom buttoms left undone) and a simple jacket to tie the top half together.
Tom Hardy

Mr Hardy is definitely not one for flairs. He knows that his look and entire aesthetic is based on being simple, effective and making a statement. He perfectly pulls off the single colour suit, jacket, shirt look and leaves the collar open to show that it all isn't that serious.
Whether your dad loves his colour or not, whether he has fantastic style or just likes to wear his running shoes all day, it's worth making him feel great this Father's Day.