Trends in men's fashion
Here at Nic Harry we are always talking about how men want more choice when it comes to style. Our very foundation is based on the fact that our founder, disheartened by the lack of options out there for men, decided to do something about it by starting his own line of branded bold socks and eye-catching accessories. We decided to see how popular men’s style has really become, by using Google Trends, and seeing how relevant things things are in today’s culture.
A Google Trends search of the phrase “Men’s fashion” displays a steadily increasing level of interest in the topic over the past couple of years:
When looking at the interest by region, South Africa is one of the handful of countries that indicates a high interest in the topic. Other countries with a high interest in "Men's fashion" include The United Kingdom, Australia and New Zealand.
In comparison, the phrase “Women’s fashion”, peaks considerably less than “Men’s fashion”, demonstrating the shifting idea of how fashion and style is no-longer entirely women-focused:
Adding the phrase “online shopping” into the graph, it's interesting to note how the level of interested has peaked consistently over the past five years, in comparison to the relatively flat-line paths of the other two phrases:
The countries where "online shopping" is popular include:
And finally, because we are mad about socks, we included "socks" on the graph for comparison, and we found that people are just as crazy about socks as we are:
We eventually hope to make this whole map green:
So with all this peaked interest in men’s fashion, online shopping and socks, what does that mean for how men view shopping? According to survey conducted by the Boutique @ Ogilvy, men spend more time and money on clothing than women. Those images of men waiting around for the girlfriends/wives/partners to finish shopping, totally a myth!
So what can be said for the reason they spend more time? Is it indecisiveness, is it too many choices or is it too few? The notion that shopping is something only enjoyed by women is completely archaic and has been dispelled by the those who have heeded what men are looking for.
According to the same survey, men spend 20 percent more of their time shopping than women do a week: three hours in comparison to women’s two and a half. Men also tend to frequent more stores than women each week and are twice as likely to go online shopping.
Yet despite all this time spent shopping and looking online, it has been found that men only wear about 13 percent of their wardrobes. All those hours of trawling, just to wear the same 13 percent of clothing? It’s time for a spring clean, a total clothes reorganisation, or our favourite- a shop in your cupboard!