The different types of shirt collars
It's not easy to dress up these days. You have a lot of decisions to make and they can often make or break an outfit. One of the most important but under-appreciated choices is the formal shirt collar.
Many men won't actually be able to decipher the different options available when it comes to collar choices. In fact, it's tough to even find different types of collars in stores. But it's well worth the hunt to find the perfect collar for your style.
Here's a fantastic graphic on the different options available to you which the WSJ put together.
From left to right, top to bottom, these collars go from most to least formal. So many choices, so little time.
It's important to go out of your way to find the right collar for you and to not just choose the one presented to you at your regular clothing outlet.
Once you've got the right collar chosen you can move onto the extras and accessories like ties, cufflinks and the various pins available to you (tie clips and lapel pins). It's also from here that you'll be able to pick a themed colour to run with throughout your outfit and down into your colourful socks.